Adelaide: 08 8298 5563 Brisbane: 07 3181 5741 Perth: 08 9288 1757

Lubrication Storage


pdf_icon Flammable Liquid Storage Cabinets
Flammable liquid storage cabinets that comply with AS1940-2004. 30L to 300L liquid storage cabinets available.
pdf_icon Outside Relocatable Liquid Storage Module
Outdoor relocatable bulk dangerous goods stores provide immediate safe, compliant and efficient storage of large quantities of dangerous goods without the problems and expense associated with building fixed and permanent stores.
  pdf_icon   Drum Storage Racks are completely hot dip galvanised and has a 100% corrosion free GRP (glass fibre reinforced plastic) sump pallet for long-term safe use.76800, 2 x 205L Drum Storage
76810, 4 x 205L Drum Storage
77440, 12 x 60L Drum Storage
76520, 6 x 60L Drum Storag