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Fuel Management Systems


Please click hereif you want information on 

  • tesitng fuel for bacteria, yeast and mould.
  • using biocides for removing fuel bacteria, yeast and mould.
  • filtering fuel from contaminants 
pdf_icon Piusi F0057201A Fuel Management and Control System
Can be used to control and manage the consumption of diesel fuel, ULP and aviation fuel for private and commercial users. Can be easily installed and used on both new and existing fuel transfer systems. Can operated with up to 80 users. Can connect to a PC for the exporting of path files.
pdf_icon Piusi F0075510D Remote Fluid Level Monitoring System
GSM system provides instant tank level monitoring. Two alarms (minimum and maximum levels) can send a message to one or more telephone numbers or an email address. Transmitted with a dual band GSM modem can control and manage up to 8 tanks. Suitable to be used on fuel, oil or waste oil bulk tank applications. Alarm messages are sent straight to the supplier or the plant maintenance technician. Fluid tank level management made easy.
pdf_icon Banlaw FuelTrack
This system is particularly useful for the mining, rail, and heavy transport industries. It will assist your business with fuel security, environmental compliance, stock reconciliation, maintenance scheduling, cost analysis, the calculation of burn rates, fuel ordering and compliant measurement for fuel tax credit and carbon trading schemes.